What are the objectives of the “France 2030” plan?

The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, unveiled the “France 2030” investment plan on October 12, 2021, focusing on sectors of France’s industrial future by the year 2030. Faced with the challenge of the ecological transition, the plan, drawn up with Europe, aims to support the transformation of sectors of excellence in the French economy in the automotive, aerospace, digital, green industry, biotechnology, culture and healthcare. It will be worth €30 billion over five years, of which €3-4 billion will be spent as soon as 2022.
The plan has 10 objectives to understand better, live better and produce better in France by 2030.
€8 billion for the energy sector:
- Objective 1: To help develop innovative, small-scale nuclear reactors, with better waste management.
- Objective 2: To become the leader in green hydrogen. In 2030, France will have at least two gigafactories of electrolyzers, mass producing hydrogen and all useful associated technologies.
- Objective 3: To decarbonize France’s industry by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 35% compared with 2015.
€4 billion for future transport:
- Objective 4: To produce nearly two million electric and hybrid vehicles.
- Objective 5: To produce the first low-carbon aircraft.
€2 billion for the food sector
- Objective 6: To invest in a healthy, sustainable and traceable diet.
€3 billion for the health sector
- Objective 7: To produce 20 biopharmaceuticals against cancer and chronic diseases, including those related to age, and to create the medical devices of tomorrow.
Investing in the culture field
- Objective 8: To place France once again at the head of cultural and creative content production. Three strategic regions have been identified: the Mediterranean Arc, Ile de France (Paris region) and the Nord. They will be the three great factories of the French Touch.
€2 billion for space and sea beds:
- Objective 9: To play our role in new space adventures.
- Objective 10: To invest in the field of sea beds.
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