• Program Info

Take part into the V.I.E adventure in Denmark

The V.I.E program enables companies with a French establishment to take on talented Europeans aged between 18 and 28 to carry out professional assignments abroad. The V.I.E program is available worldwide, but Denmark significantly contributed to the program’s success last year with nearly 80 newcomers, a record!

The Business France team provides guidance at all stages of the V.I.E’s integration process, from the recruitment to the end of the contract, by simplifying exchanges and procedures between the parties.

2023, a record year for Denmark

In 2023, Denmark succeeded in welcoming nearly 80 new V.I.E within one of the 33 companies involved in the program. Since 2019, the number of European talents moving to Denmark has been constantly increasing, showing a growing interest among candidates and companies in search of new talents. We should also note the considerable leap forward in the program, + 57% in just 12 months

The energy and public works, construction and infrastructure sectors are the most dynamic as they host more than half of the V.I.E’s in Denmark. Indeed, Denmark, the world’s leading exporter of wind turbines, needs new talents to maintain its position in the renewable energy market. One of the government’s priorities is also to develop its infrastructure, the construction of the Femern tunnel linking Denmark and Germany being a significant technical challenge. In this context, certain positions are therefore in great demand of candidates. Unsurprisingly, the engineering position comes at the top of the list, constituting nearly one-quarter of the V.I.E.

Ultimately, the program’s benefits extend well beyond recruitment and the assignment, given that globally, almost 1 in 2 trainees stay with the company after their mission. As well as being a gratifying experience for V.I.E, it is also an innovative Human Resource solution as it responds to the companies’ needs. Also worth noting, this programme is open to all companies with a subsidiary in France, which creates new opportunities for more companies to take on a V.I.E.

Carrying out a V.I.E in Denmark, a program more cost-effective than ever

In 2023, France ratified an agreement with Denmark to eliminate double taxation to promote economic relations and improve cooperation in tax matters. Effective January 1st 2024, this agreement makes V.I.E fiscal resident only in France and no longer in Denmark. Consequently, it considerably reduces costs for hosting companies, as the income is no longer taxable in DK.

The enthusiasm for the project is expected to grow as we continue to display the numerous advantages for both the candidate and the company. A win-win program that contributes to the company’s success and allows great profiles to bloom. V.I.E’ determination and commitment are awarded each year, highlighting the program’s success.

The winners of the 2023 the 6th “Grand Prix V.I.E

On December 6th 2023, 3 participants were selected to receive a prize during the “Grand Prix VIE” ceremony hosted by Christophe Parisot, French Ambassador to Denmark, at the French Residency. Candidates had to create a video about their experience to demonstrate how they integrated into their company and the Danish culture. The winners of the 6th edition are the following :

The French Ambassador to Denmark, has acknowledged their accomplishments during their missions in the presence of the French Foreign Trade Advisors – Denmark and the Franco-Danish Chamber of Commerce, as well as our sponsor L’Oréal Nordics. Thank you to them for funding the 3 prizes, and congratulations to the winners.

Meet Florian Fouler, the « Grand Prix VIE Danemark 2023 » winner and discover his experience!

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Contact us to learn more on the V.I.E program and how to implement it in your company.