Industry & Cleantech
France is the third largest industry in Europe after Germany and the United Kingdom. With around 3.2 million employees, France is leading in several sectors, such as aeronautics. Boosted by France 2030, an ambitious investment plan, France is reindustrialising in the critical sectors of tomorrow and decarbonising its industry. With in-depth knowledge of the French and Nordic markets, our experts can help you connect with a French supplier or a potential partner. Our team can help you in various domains, from transport to building and civil engineering, infrastructure, energy, chemicals or cross-sectorial industries.

Key figures
France, a leader in Cleantech & Industry
of R&D expenditure in the manufacturing industry (MESRI-SIES, 2021)
billion dedicated to decarbonising industry over the period 2022-2027 (France 2030, 2022)
in the world for aerospace exports (GTA, 2022)
Meet us at our next event

Business Meetings Trafikverket & Rail Baltica
Trafikverket and Rail Baltica, the Swedish and Baltic transport operators, invite you to the headquarters of Business France in Paris.

Pavillon France Wind Europe
Welcome to the French Pavilion at WINDEUROPE 2025 in Copenhagen !

French Nuclear Tour
French Nucleat Tour is designed to provide French companies with valuable insights into the nuclear sector in Sweden and Finland, highlighting its opportunities and future prospects.
Industry & Cleantech news
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We are here at your service to connect with any type of French supplier or to provide guidance and access to investment opportunities in France. You can also contact us to learn more about the V.I.E international internship program.