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Don’t look up! Focus on what is happening in the French hydrogen industry

As the novelist from Nantes (Pays de la Loire, France), Jules Verne, foresaw more than 200 years ago, decarbonized hydrogen will be the low-carbon energy of tomorrow to achieve global emission reduction targets. For this purpose, France will invest €9,1 billion in hydrogen to decarbonize its industry and mobility! The Pays de la Loire Region accelerates to position itself as a leader across the whole value chain. They support businesses through public funding and a virtuous ecosystem created around pioneering companies like the upcoming unicorn Lhyfe!

France invests €9,1 billion in carbon-free hydrogen to decarbonize industry

The Government wants to massively accelerate its support for developing a domestic carbon-free hydrogen industry in France to generate growth and up to 150,000 jobs. The objective is to position France at the cutting edge of disruptive technologies and accomplish the ecological transition.

For this purpose, €9,1 billion of public investment will be injected to develop decarbonized hydrogen by 2030 (including €7,2 billion from the France Relance recovery plan decided in 2020 and an additional €1,9 billion in the investment plan France 2030 announced in November 2021). The Government has targeted several priority areas to promote carbon-free hydrogen industry in France:

Fifteen projects related to decarbonized hydrogen have already been submitted to the European Commission as ‘Important Projects of Common European Interest’ (IPCEI). Launched by 23 EU Member States and Norway, this mechanism allows public money to support not immediately profitable industrial projects. They meet three objectives: 1/ the production of electrolyzers; 2/ the development of equipment for hydrogen-powered mobility (such as fuel cells); 3/ the decarbonization of industrial sites. The US and China had already set up similar systems!

Learn more on the decarbonized hydrogen strategies in France and the Pays de la Loire Region by joining our webinar on April 28th. We will share comprehensive information with experts on funding, opportunities, and comparative feedback from the Nordic Managing Director of Lhyfe.

Going to market - Hydrogen in France and Pays de la Loire - Webinar

€100 million for decarbonized hydrogen in Pays de la Loire

The Pays de la Loire Region will mobilize 100 million euros by 2030 to support the development of its decarbonized hydrogen industry. The aim is to accelerate the emergence of local value chains and position the area as the leading hydrogen region in France. The Region will focus on four priorities:

Contact us for free guidance on your industrial projects in France!

Article written by Samy Trabelsi