Contact us

Business France, the national agency serving the internationalisation of the French economy, promotes trade relations between France and Southern European countries from its offices in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Greece.

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Business France Greece

Find out all about our missions in Greece and who to contact on the Business France Greece website.

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Business France Italy

Find out all about our missions in Italy and who to contact on the Business France Italy website.

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Business France Portugal

Find out all about our missions in Portugal and who to contact on the Business France Portugal website.

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Business France Spain

Find out all about our missions in Spain and who to contact on the Business France Spain website.

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Franco-Croatian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

In Croatia, Business France has selected the Franco-Croatian Chamber of Commerce and Industry as a qualified partner to support French companies interested in this market.

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Business France Cyprus

For Cyprus there are currently no agreements between Team France Export and local operators. French companies can contact the Business France office in Italy.

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Business France Malta

For Malta, there are currently no agreements between Team France Export and local operators. French companies can contact the Business France office in Italy.